Our Services
Healing Services
Services offered on Zoom

This is a deep guided session through breath work, auric field clearing, cord cutting, ancestral clearing, meduimship, alignment to higher self, soul retrieval, etc. Depending on the individual needs, channeling from higher self or deceased relatives often happens here. Past life trauma and karma clearing, PTSD, negative energy clearing, implants and imprints removal. This is a deep session of connecting to your true essence and original blueprint. This is a transformational and expansive work on the subtle and deep rooted energies - on a mental, spiritual, emotional and consciousness level. Higher energy activation will release the lower vibrations and frequencies from the physical and light bodies. It is an empowerment and illumination process on all levels of body, mind, spirit. Offerings sliding scale $400 & up (based on individual comfort). 2 hours session based on the individual needs may go a little longer.
Quantum Shamanic Healing/ Clearing & Alignment: 2 hours

*RE-CURRING CLIENTS ONLY* This is a maintenance session. Clearing ongoing auric field, tuning all energy centres (chakras) for a more intentional and empowered living. This also assists in releasing all energies that we pick up on a day to day basis from our environment, people around, work etc. 1 hour session on zoom. Offerings sliding scale $222, $333 or $369 ( based on your own financial comfort)
Quantum Shamanic Alignment Clearing & Alignment: 1 Hour

Reiki is a form of energy healing originating in Japan. It has been known to increase energy, improve health, and reduce stress. Reiki has been used for over 100 years in many ancient traditions to restore healing in the body. It is a form of energy healing practice that treats the entire body, mind and spirit. Reiki is a Japanese word translates “Universal Life Force Energy” (a pure, positive source of energy). This form energy is guided by the practitioner through out the body to promote healing and improve overall health and enhances one's quality of life. Reiki has a number of beneficial effects, including stress reduction, relaxation, emotional healing, improving energy flow throughout the body and promoting feelings of peace and wellness. Reiki is also effective in aiding in the treatment of virtually every known illness or malady, and will work in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques in order to support and assist the body’s recovery. Reiki is a relaxing, experience and creates beneficial effects, and is available to everyone, including animals. No experience is necessary. It always promotes well being and assist the body to restore balance and harmony. 1 hour session $222.00
Reiki: 1 hour

Craniosacral Therapy is precise modality that is approached both energetically and physically. It works with anatomy of the body to support healing and assist in regulating the body back to original healthy state. Craniosacral Therapy (CST) focuses on the gentle placement of hands to help release tension in your body’s connective tissue. This is known as “fascia” (pronounced “fash-ee-uh”). Fascia is the Latin word for band. It’s a casing found throughout your body that holds your organs, glands, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, brain and spinal cord. The fascia forms a body-wide connective tissue network. This non invasive approach is a gentle manual therapy that allows the body to release restrictions, holding patterns or blockages in the body in a way that more forceful modalities can not. When treating pain and dysfunction the root cause may be located in a different area of the body than where the symptom is appearing. With Craniosacral Therapy, the root cause is treated. The human body is interconnected, both structurally and functionally. This means that one area of your body can affect another. The goal of CST is tension relief (fascial clearance). This may help other connected parts of your body function better through: Self-regulation. Self-correction. Self-healing. Our nervous system plays a huge role in our physical, mental and emotional health. and few systems in the body have more impact on the central nervous system than the Craniosacral System. This consists of the membrane and fluid that protect, feed and detox our brain and spinal cord. Throughout life, our body absorbs many stresses and traumas physically, emotionally and mentally. Over time these begin to compromise the function of the central nervous system and the performance of nearly every other system in the body. Craniosacral Therapy addresses these dysfunctions and facilitates self correction and deep healing. The effects can be quite profound as issues can be worked on at a level that many other manual techniques can not reach. Craniosacral Therapy is helpful for: acute and chronic pain, inflammation, digestive issues, concussion and other brain injuries, TMJ, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, and trauma related symptoms such as anxiety and depression. 1 hour session $222.00
Craniosacral Healing: 1 hour

Other Services
BufoAlvarius - The Sacred ToadMedicine
Quantum Shamanic Meditation Ceremonies, earth, sound and water medicine
One-on-One Spiritual Guidance/Consultation
Private/Individualized Transformational Program
Quantum Shamanic Meditation Ceremonies
Private Group Circles
Space Clearing (Land, Homes, Offices)
Pet Reiki (long distance or in-person)
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